Saturday, March 29, 2008

British Investment Body Comes to Mumbai

Britain& 39;s financial services company with more and more disabled - chok / outsourcing the work of his employees in India, Britain, the Securities and Investment Institute has no option but to start an office in Mumbai to accommodate the source to confirm the British them.
official The Securities and Investment Institute (sii) office in Mumbai, India. based on the exchange of goods buildings, and local clients seopoe manager, arwa tapia, India, a certified accountant in the office of Deloitte, who will be entitled to Howdy, is already in the sii appointed.
confirming India, the need for the office, Ruth Martin, Executive Director - sii, says: " We are willing to open our office in India in Mumbai and join the arwa us, and I am very happy. Our member companies have employee gyehoekpyo to their level of education and the ability to maintain high standards of customer service to India, the Paramount. For example, our member companies, the global data, international financial services companies (ifds), is one of several companies in the number of our employees through training programs and educational qualifications. "
sii - formed by the 92 member the London Stock Exchange, professional excellence and integrity, and that mission is to set standards for the securities and investment industry& 39;s ability to provide the highest level of qualifications , and a member of the publicity, and other businesses. -- Pre-eminent professional body in the securities and investment industry in the United Kingdom, more than 16000 benefitted sii member of the professional education and development programs. It is also physical qualifications for the award to attract industry headmaster 35000 candidates sitting the exam, British Airways said last year.
uk started to turn off - chok / outsourcing trend to India, it is American companies in the United States to start a Flux -- Struts sub-projects - the continent. The latter& 39;s interests to create a success story to make sure the UK, France and other European Union to maintain competitiveness and profitability of companies in one of India& 39;s most connections are required. Slowly but steadily, they are coming to India to establish their presence, and employees can understand it, in India they are to receive vocational training and developing employees to use in the UK suit. And, judging liquidation, the Indians and their education and the development of international standards, to ensure the speed limit is the sky. Suit!
whatever, one is talking about England. Suit, it is a credit to his own behalf and on the United States mourns the Indian carping this is not right, they need to set up institutions to train and develop employees in India, the needs of employees in Britain for specific training.
to they know more about this, visit: outsourcing melania kaylee

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